How the Australian King Brown Snake got its name

The royal brown snake prefers sandy deserts – the drier the area the better – and thrives in arid areas of central, northern and western Australia. Kristian Bell/Getty Images

The king brown snake is a venomous predator with various behaviors adapted for hunting, defense and reproduction. Their climbing ability, feeding habits and territorial tendencies make them unique among snake species in Australia, where they have earned a serious reputation as one of the country’s most dangerous snakes.

Despite their large size and venomous nature, royal browns are not typically aggressive toward humans unless they feel provoked or threatened. But how did this simple black snake species get such a royal name?

Let’s find out.

The scientific name and nickname of King Brown

The royal brown snake, scientifically known as Pseudechis australisbelongs to the Elapidae family, including venomous snakes such as cobras and mambas. This species is part of the genus black snakes Pseudechis and is known for its potent venom and robust build.

The name “king brown” comes from its large size and brownish hue, but the species is actually more closely related to black snakes than to brown snakes (genus Pseudonaja). Despite this, the name has persisted in popular use.

The species’ other common name, mulga snake, is derived from its frequent presence in mulga habitats. Mulga is a small tree or shrub from the Acacia aneura, from Australia. It mainly occurs in arid and semi-arid areas.

This plant is part of the distinctive forest ecosystem known as mulga forests, characterized by dense, low-lying vegetation, which provides mulga snakes with shelter and an abundance of prey.

How big are King Brown snakes?

King Browns are among the larger snake species in Australia; they are typically about 2.5 meters in length, but some can grow to almost 3 meters in length, the maximum recorded length.

That said, their size can vary based on their geographic location and the environmental conditions of their habitat. Snakes in more arid regions are often larger than those in temperate regions.

Young royal browns, also called juveniles, are significantly smaller than their full-grown adult counterparts. When they hatch from their eggs, they are quite small, usually about 9 inches (22.9 centimeters) long. As they grow, the species undergoes a significant growth spurt.

They continue to feed on small prey, such as insects and small reptiles, providing them with the necessary nutrients to develop and increase in size. It usually takes several years for them to reach their full adult size.

Physical characteristics

The mulga snake possesses several distinctive physical characteristics. Like many other snake species, this snake has specialized heat-sensitive pits on its smooth snout. These pits help them detect warm-blooded animals by capturing weak infrared radiation emitted by their bodies, which helps them search for food, especially at night.

They also have flexible jaws, which allow them to consume prey much larger than their heads by loosening their lower jaw and stretching their mouth around their meal. This ability is crucial to their survival, given the size and variety of prey they consume.

The snakes are ectothermic, often called ‘cold-blooded’, meaning they cannot regulate their body temperature internally and instead rely on external environmental conditions to manage their body heat.

These dangerous snakes bask in the sun to warm up and seek shade or dens to cool off. A particularly notable feature is its resistance to the venom of other snakes. This adaptation allows the robust snake to prey on and consume other venomous snakes without suffering the toxic effects that would be fatal to most other creatures.

Geographic reach

Some snakes need to live near streams and other bodies of water, but the brown kingfish prefers sandy deserts – the drier the area, the better.

That’s why they thrive in the deserts and arid areas of central, northern and western Australia – their native range. The snake is common in the Northern Territory and is also found in the arid and semi-arid areas of South Australia, as well as central and western Queensland.

Further south, in New South Wales, the snake is found in the western and southern parts of the state, and its range extends into the northwestern parts of Victoria.

The royal brown is very adaptable and can live comfortably in grasslands, shrublands and forests. This adaptability allows it to thrive even in areas affected by human activities. However, its presence is declining in the cooler southern regions of Australia, and it is notably absent from the island of Tasmania.

Is the King Brown Snake Poisonous?

Yes, the royal brown is one of the most venomous snakes in Australia and is known for its powerful venom. Although the venom is highly venomous, it is less deadly than other Australian snakes, such as the domestic taipan or the eastern brown snake.

The venom of the royal brown snake contains a complex mixture of toxins, including myotoxins, coagulants and neurotoxins. These components can cause various symptoms in humans, such as pain, swelling, blood clotting disorders, muscle damage and even kidney failure.

Despite its venomous nature, the royal brown snake is generally not aggressive and avoids confrontation with humans. Most bites occur when the snake is provoked or accidentally stepped on. As with all wild animals, especially venomous species, it is essential to exercise caution and respect their space to avoid potential danger.

Is a King Brown Snake Bite Fatal?

Fatalities resulting from the bite of a king brown snake are rare, mainly due to the availability of effective black snake antivenom and prompt medical treatment.

Hunting behavior

This venomous snake is an expert hunter and uses venom and constriction to subdue its prey. They hunt primarily using a sit-and-wait or ambush strategy, often lying in wait for their prey.

Once a suitable option comes within range, they strike quickly, using their powerful venom to immobilize and subdue the prey. After poisoning, the snake will eat its prey whole.

The brown king’s venom is not only a defense mechanism, but also an essential tool for conquering prey, especially when dealing with other snakes or larger mammals.

Nutrition and diet

The Australian snake has a varied and opportunistic diet consisting mainly of other reptiles and reptile eggs. This includes a range of lizards and other snakes – including their own species – demonstrating their apparent immunity to snake venom.

Their diet also extends to small mammals, especially rodents, which they hunt and consume, helping to control rodent populations in their habitats. In addition, they occasionally hunt birds, bird eggs and frogs.

The Aussie snakes have been observed feeding both during the day and at night, indicating flexibility in their feeding habits. Their feeding and consumption patterns play a crucial role in ecological balance, as they help manage the populations of their prey species and are in turn preyed upon by larger predators, which contribute to the food chain in their ecosystems.

Breeding and mating habits

The breeding season for the great king brown snake depends on where it lives. In southwestern Australia, mating usually takes place in early spring; on the Eyre Peninsula it is observed in mid-spring. In northern populations, reproduction may not follow a fixed seasonal pattern and may be influenced by environmental factors such as the wet and post-wet seasons.

During the mating season, males engage in ritual battles to establish dominance and gain the right to mate with a female. This involves intertwining their bodies and trying to push their opponent over. After successful courtship, the female mates with the dominant male.

After mating, females lay eggs (usually 39 to 42 days later), producing clutches of about four to 19 eggs, with larger females often laying more. The eggs incubate for about 70 to 100 days, depending on the temperature. In rare cases, two young can hatch from one egg.

After hatching, the young snakes are independent and start to fend for themselves. Their growth rate is rapid and they mature into reproductive adults within a few years.

Predators and diseases

King Browns are vulnerable to several natural enemies, especially in their juvenile stages. Birds of prey, such as eagles and hawks, pose a significant threat as they use their aerial advantage to spot and capture young snakes.

Mammalian predators – including dingoes, feral cats and wild boars – also prey on these mulgas. Their ability to hunt on the ground and in burrows makes them effective predators of young and sometimes adult snakes.

Larger reptiles, including monitor lizards and even other giant snakes, can also be predators of the brown king, especially targeting the juveniles. These reptilian predators are well adapted to hunting in similar habitats and can pose a significant threat.

Health issues

As far as diseases are concerned, these black snakes are prone to various health problems. Parasitic infections are common; they can be affected by internal parasites such as worms, which affect their digestive systems, and external parasites such as ticks and mites, which can affect their skin and overall health.

Respiratory infections are a problem, especially in environments with poor ventilation, which can occur in captivity. Bacterial and fungal infections of the skin can result from injuries or unsanitary conditions, which can lead to further health complications.

In captivity, nutritional deficiencies are a notable problem. An improper diet can lead to metabolic disorders, which affect the snake’s growth, immune system and overall health.

Stress-related diseases are also a problem in captive snakes, caused by improper handling, inadequate enclosure conditions and exposure to extreme temperatures.

This article was written using AI technology, then fact-checked and edited by a HowStuffWorks editor.

That is interesting

In 2023, the Australian Reptile Park achieved a major milestone by successfully pairing two royal brown snakes for mating. The event, captured on camera by operations manager Billy Collett, was a rare and challenging feat and marked the first successful mating of the species in the park since 2016. The reptile park, known for its poison program, is the only facility in the world that milks Australian land snakes for antivenom production. In collaboration with CSL Seqirus, they transform snake venom into life-saving antivenom. This program is critical in treating snakebites in Australia, with an estimated 2,000 bites occurring each year. A new state-of-the-art poison milking facility is currently being built at the park, with the NSW State Government contributing $300,000 to the project. This facility allows visitors to observe the poison extraction process firsthand.

Original article: How the Australian King Brown Snake got its name

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