Who is Adam Britton? British zoologist faces 249 years in prison for rape, torture and murder of dogs

Adam Britton, a renowned zoologist, has confessed to 60 horrific crimes, including raping, torturing and killing dogs. The 53-year-old now faces a possible prison sentence of up to 249 years in Australia. Britain’s leading crocodile expert has confessed to bestiality and faced a raft of animal sexual abuse charges in Australia last September. His case … Read more

‘You only have to drive 20 minutes to get somewhere special in Britain’

The lush lawns and shady paths of Hampton Court are probably not the first places you would expect to find Ray Mears. Britain’s most renowned expert on bushcraft and survival skills has travelled widely during a 30-year television career that has taken him to some of the toughest terrain on the planet, not least via … Read more

The Australian island oasis you’ve probably never heard of

Children waved enthusiastically next to the runway as our plane touched down in the Cocos (Keeling) Islands: a small sliver of territory in the remote expanse of the Indian Ocean between Australia and Sri Lanka, made up of two atolls with 27 coral islands. Only two of these islands are inhabited – Home Island and … Read more

Julian Assange ‘pays $500,000 for charter flight to Australia’ as free man after US plea deal

Julian Assange has left Britain after agreeing a US plea deal under which he will plead guilty to a criminal charge and walk free. The WikiLeaks founder was granted bail by the High Court and released from Belmarsh prison on Monday after negotiations with US authorities. Court documents filed by the U.S. Department of Justice … Read more

Why the ‘irreplaceable’ Courtney Lawes should be considered one of England’s greatest

The Premiership final will be Lawes’ last appearance for Northampton – Getty Images/David Rogers Lennie Newman has kept a copy of Courtney Lawes’ first professional contract with Northampton Saints. It was worth £8,000, plus first-team appearance fees. Lodging was included, and Lawes and other academy colleagues also received free meat through a sponsor. Whatever the … Read more

Qatar has signed an £800 million contract to host the Nations Championship finals for eight years

The Lusail Stadium in Qatar, where the 2022 World Cup final between France and Argentina took place – AP/Hassan Ammar Qatar is closing in on an eight-year deal worth £800 million to host the Rugby Nations Championship final after being given exclusive negotiating rights. Qatar’s Supreme Committee for Delivery and Legacy has entered a two-month … Read more

Rare skull of an extinct, enormous ‘thunder bird’ discovered in Australia

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news about fascinating discoveries, scientific developments and more. For more than a century, scientists have been hunting in vain for skull fossils of the thunderbird species Genyornis newtoni. About 50,000 years ago, these titans, also known as mihirungs, from an Aboriginal term for … Read more

England will be hoping for Jofra Archer’s fitness and dismissal, but the T20 World Cup will make or break him

Jofra Archer will play for England on his home island of Barbados for the first time since his teenage years – Getty Images/Gareth Copley The official motto for the tournament is ‘out of this world’, but it should be ‘this really matters’, because a World Cup tests character far more than the homogenous franchise competitions … Read more

Cricket is trying to take the US by storm, but is it working?

An American fan enjoys the atmosphere during the opening match of the 2024 T20 World Cup between USA and Canada – ICC/Matt Roberts Cricket isn’t trying to reconquer America; it’s trying to revive a game that already died there once. In 1844, the US hosted Canada in New York in what is considered the first … Read more