How US nuclear tests in the 1970s led to today’s thriving otter population on the west coast of the Pacific Ocean

Sea otters had disappeared from Washington, Oregon and other parts of the US until scientists relocated them to save them from a nuclear weapons test.Kevin Schafer/Getty Images In 1971, the US initiated its largest underground nuclear weapons test on a remote island in Alaska. Previously, scientists managed to relocate hundreds of sea otters that may … Read more

From forest fires to melting sea ice, the hottest summer on record had a huge impact on the Arctic

The year 2023 broke the record for the warmest summer in the Arctic, and people and ecosystems across the region felt the impact. Wildfires forced evacuations across Canada. Greenland was so warm that a research station at the top of the ice sheet recorded the melting in late June, only the fifth melting event on … Read more