The world’s coral reefs are facing another mass bleaching event – ​​perhaps the largest ever

A diver examines coral bleaching in the southern Great Barrier Reef in March 2024. (AIMS/Eoghan Aston – image credit) The world’s oceans are experiencing another global mass coral bleaching event due to unprecedented heat, scientists from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration confirmed. “This is the fourth time coral bleaching has occurred simultaneously in … Read more

Australia’s Great Barrier Reef is suffering ‘extensive’ coral bleaching as scientists fear seventh mass bleaching event

The southern Great Barrier Reef is suffering extensive coral bleaching due to heat stress, the reef’s managers said on Wednesday, raising fears that a seventh mass bleaching event could occur across the vast, ecologically important area. An aerial survey conducted last weekend by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority and the Australian Institute of … Read more

The scientist who was labeled an alarmist for exposing the fate of coral reefs

Ove Hoegh-Guldberg was only 10 years old when he first saw the Great Barrier Reef. That year, 1969, most young children around the world took inspiration from NASA’s mission to put an astronaut on the moon. But for Hoegh-Guldberg, the fine gray dust of the moon’s surface had nothing to do with the other world … Read more