How Greece is going to wage war on cruise ships

Lured by beautiful beaches, world-class archaeological sites and comforting cuisine, around 33 million people visited Greece in 2023, some five million more than in 2022. According to the Greek National Tourism Organization (GNTO), 2023 was also a milestone year for cruising in Greece , with seven million passengers visiting the country on board 5,230 cruise … Read more

Forget nursing homes, book back-to-back cruises instead

With their 24-hour service, all-you-can-eat buffets and stress-free accessibility, cruise ships have long been a popular vacation choice for retirees. But given the rising costs of care homes in Britain, could a permanent cruise become a viable alternative to supported living on land? Recently, Marty and Jess Ansen, a retired couple from Australia, made headlines … Read more

What law applies to a cruise ship located miles out to sea?

Cruise ships have long been synonymous with carefree, even without rules, breaks from life on land. Onboard water parks, endless buffets, world-class performers and late-night bars have become an absolute minimum on many large cruise ships. But just like on land, things can go terribly wrong. And when they do that, the question of what … Read more

Meet the people who trade dry land for an eternal cruise

At the shipyard where the Titanic was built, a houseboat is taking shape that will soon set off on an uninterrupted world voyage. It will travel around the world every three and a half years, visiting 425 ports in 147 countries, including more than 100 islands. Overlooked by the giant yellow cranes of Harland & … Read more

Nine great ways to spend days at sea on a cruise

It’s all well and good visiting fantastic places and enjoying bucket list experiences, but what to do on those days when there’s literally nothing to see on the horizon except the actual horizon? If you’ve been filling your days ashore with unique activities, you might welcome the chance to get serious about the Egyptian cotton … Read more

What people don’t tell you before you book an Antarctic cruise

Antarctica is an unforgettable destination, but time on the continent is precious and precious – Andrea Klaussner/Hurtigruten Antarctica, once off-limits to all but scientists at research stations, is becoming an increasingly popular cruise destination. According to the International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators (IAATO), commercial tourism began in the late 1950s when approximately 500 paying … Read more

What happens if someone dies on a cruise?

There are an estimated 200 deaths of cruise ship passengers worldwide – this is what happens when the worst happens – Alamy It won’t shock anyone to hear that cruise lines prefer not to talk about people dying on their ships, but there are an estimated 200 passenger deaths every year – not surprising considering … Read more

Introducing Europe’s new cruise map – with Venice falling out of favour

Cruise ships shift their routes from Dubrovnik (pictured) to the nearby city of Split – Getty/iStock As opposition to cruise ships refuses to subside in some of Europe’s most popular ports, the region’s cruise map is being subtly redrawn as companies look for alternative stops. Norwegian Cruise Line announced this week that it would stop … Read more

Too much rain turned my vacation into a cruise to nowhere

Jane and husband Mark made the most of their experience on board the River Princess – despite remaining moored on the canal – Jane Archer I struggled to know how to respond when friends asked if I had a nice Christmas. We spent it on a river barge, with all the food and drink we … Read more