X-rays reveal secret gas in vast, distant galaxy cluster

X-rays reveal secret gas in vast, distant galaxy cluster

When you buy through links in our articles, Future and its syndication partners may earn a commission. The composite visible-light and X-ray image of the galaxy cluster Abell 2390, showing the vast expanse of hot, X-ray-emitting intra-cluster gas. | Credit: ESA/XMM-Newton/Euclid/Euclid Consortium/NASA By a new image of a gigantic universe cluster of older x-ray data, … Read more

Scientists use two new quantum methods to catch dark matter suspects

The hunt for dark matter is about to get a lot cooler. Scientists are developing supercold quantum technology to hunt for the universe’s most elusive and mysterious matter, which currently poses one of science’s greatest mysteries. Despite the fact that dark matter outnumbers the amount of ordinary matter in our universe by about six times, … Read more

Scientists have finally found 2 of the Milky Way’s missing satellite galaxies. What could this mean for astronomy?

Astronomers have discovered two new satellite galaxies of the Milky Way. The findings could help us better understand dark matter: the mysterious stuff that makes up about 85% of the matter in the universe, but remains essentially invisible to us. The discoveries also bring scientists one step closer to solving a persistent problem with the … Read more

‘Immortal stars’ could be feasting on dark matter at the heart of the Milky Way

“All good things must come to an end.” That adage applies both in the cosmos and on Earth. We are aware that stars, like everything else, must die. When the fuel supply needed for nuclear fusion in their cores runs out, stars of all sizes collapse under their own gravity and die out, forming a … Read more

Missing black holes in the Milky Way are bad news for this dark matter theory

Scientists have discovered that unusually massive black holes appear to be absent from the Milky Way’s diffuse outer halo. The discovery could spell bad news for theories that the most mysterious form of “stuff” in the universe, dark matter, is made up of ancient black holes that formed in the first moments after the Big … Read more

Scientists may have found an answer to the mystery of dark matter. It involves an unexpected by-product

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news about fascinating discoveries, scientific developments and more. For about fifty years, the scientific community has been grappling with a substantial problem: there isn’t enough visible matter in the universe. All the matter we can see — stars, planets, cosmic dust and everything … Read more

How primordial black holes could explain the enduring mystery of dark matter

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news about fascinating discoveries, scientific developments and more. For about fifty years, the scientific community has been grappling with a substantial problem: there isn’t enough visible matter in the universe. All the matter we can see — stars, planets, cosmic dust and everything … Read more

‘Supercharged rhino’ black holes may have formed and died a second after the Big Bang

Small, primordial black holes that formed in the first fraction of a second after the Big Bang may have had company, in the form of even smaller supercharged black holes with the mass of a rhinoceros that quickly evaporated. A team of researchers has theorized that these tiny rhino black holes, which would represent an … Read more

The enormous ‘El Gordo’ cluster of galaxies suggests that dark matter is colliding with itself

Strange behavior in a huge cluster of merging galaxies could be explained if dark matter, the universe’s most mysterious stuff, can collide with itself. However, the most favored model of cosmology at the moment is the Cold Dark Matter (CDM) model – and it suggests that dark matter, which is effectively invisible because it does … Read more

If the Big Bang created miniature black holes, where are they?

The hunt for missing, tiny black holes left over from the Big Bang may be about to heat up. Just when the trail for such small black holes seemed to have gone cold, an international team of scientists has found clues in quantum physics that could reopen the case. One of the reasons why the … Read more