Europe must put aside the fight against pesticides and focus on sustainable agricultural solutions

As we try to balance the challenges of tackling climate change, promoting healthy diets and enabling farmer livelihoods, one thing is clear: sustainable agriculture is the only way forward. These three major challenges encompass the three dimensions of sustainability: social, environmental and economic. The most important question is: are we doing enough? Despite significant recent … Read more

How are farmers and hotels dealing with the Spanish drought?

Standing in a field of apple trees in Catalonia, fruit and grain farmer Ramón Falguera looks concerned. Last year the fruit harvest fell by about a third and the wheat harvest by half due to a lack of rain and restrictions on water use in this area of ​​northeastern Spain. The water channel used for … Read more

Farmers have nothing to fear from green and animal welfare reforms

We are currently facing a triple planetary crisis of climate change, pollution and biodiversity loss. To solve these crises and secure a healthy future for people, nature, animals and our planet, global agricultural reforms are both essential and inevitable. The way we produce food will determine our existence on this planet. What is needed is … Read more

What ancient farmers can really teach us about adapting to climate change – and how political power influences success or failure

From dozens of archaeological discoveries around the world, from the once-successful reservoirs and canals of Angkor Wat in Cambodia to the abandoned Viking colonies of Greenland, new evidence paints pictures of civilizations grappling with unforeseen climate changes and the reality that their agricultural practices have changed. untenable. Among these discoveries are also success stories, where … Read more