Fifty Years Later, How Lucy, the Mother of Humanity, Changed Our Understanding of Evolution

On November 24, 1974, American anthropologist Donald Johanson and his research student Tom Gray were rummaging through a ravine near Hadar in the Afar region of Ethiopia. The pair were searching for fossilized animal bones in the surrounding silt and ash when Johanson spotted a small fragment of an arm bone—and realized it belonged to … Read more

Could a cave beneath Pembroke Castle hold the key to the fate of the early Britons?

Pembroke Castle has been a center of power for centuries. It was the birthplace of Henry Tudor, father of Henry VIII, and is one of the best preserved medieval strongholds in the country, with a maze of passageways, tunnels and stairs, as well as a huge gatehouse tower. Scientists have discovered that the fortress also … Read more

Scientists reveal the face of a Neanderthal who lived 75,000 years ago

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news about fascinating discoveries, scientific developments and more. A woman in her forties was buried in a cave 75,000 years ago and laid to rest in a trench hollowed out to house her body. Her left hand was curled under her head and … Read more

One of the largest eruptions in Earth’s history could have wiped out humans. This is how scientists say some survived

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news about fascinating discoveries, scientific developments and more. About 74,000 years ago, Mount Toba in Sumatra experienced a super eruption, one of the largest in Earth’s history, potentially causing a massive disruption to the world’s climate. Some scientists have suspected that a volcanic … Read more

Human bones unearthed in a German cave have changed the timeline of ancient human history

Researchers recovered ancient human bone fragments from the Ilsenhöhle cave in Ranis, Germany.Tim Schüler / TLDA Human bones in a German cave place Homo Sapiens in Europe 7,500 years earlier than experts thought. The findings suggest that Homo sapiens lived near Neanderthals for millennia, which is a new revelation. Scientists used to think that Homo … Read more

Neanderthals and humans may be the same species, scientists say. It could rewrite the history of our evolution.

An employee at the Natural History Museum in London looks at a model of a Neanderthal male.Will Oliver/PA Images/Getty Until recently, the consensus was that Neanderthals and Homo sapiens were separate species. But most humans carry about 2% of Neanderthal DNA, challenging the view that we are different. Other studies suggest that Neanderthals are not … Read more