New NASA Astronauts Celebrate Moon Missions and Private Space Stations as They Prepare for Launch (Exclusive)

A nervous one Jack Hathaway had to overcome one final obstacle before becoming a NASA astronaut candidate: finding the time to hear the news. Hathaway waited in 2021 for a call from NASA astronaut Reid Wiseman, then head of the astronaut agency, to find out if he could join the agency. But Hathaway was on … Read more

NASA astronauts spend much of the week ‘thinking about ways they could die’

Astronauts Christina Koch, Victor Glover, Reid Wiseman and Jeremy Hansen (LR) will venture around the moon on Artemis II – RSSIL/MEGA Flying to the moon is a dream of most astronauts, but for the crew of the upcoming Artemis II mission, returning safely to Earth is their ultimate goal. In an exclusive interview for Telegraph … Read more