The workhorse of ocean drilling may have made its final voyage – here’s why scientists don’t want JOIDES resolution to be put on hold

Sadly, the JOIDES Resolution, also known as the JR, may have sailed for the last time. On August 2, 2024, it docked in Amsterdam, with no clear path to raising the $72 million per year needed to keep the ship afloat. The majority of this funding comes from the U.S. National Science Foundation, which announced … Read more

Parents ‘misled’ by unhealthy baby food in US supermarkets, study warns

Parents are being ‘misled’ by health claims on baby food sold in major US supermarkets, research published today has found. Manufacturers use advertising claims to distract consumers from a product’s poor nutritional value and create the misleading impression that it is healthy, researchers from the George Institute for Global Health wrote in a scientific journal. … Read more