It’s International Asteroid Day and astronomers have a lot to celebrate

Today, astronomers and space enthusiasts around the world are collectively amazed by our erratic presence in the universe, especially as we drift through the cosmos among large asteroids like the one that wiped out the dinosaurs 66 million years ago. June 30 is Asteroid Day, a holiday celebrated annually to reflect on the prospect of … Read more

How the GOES U satellite will forever change weather forecasts on Earth and in space

I remember learning about weather forecasting in college in the late 2000s. My classmates and I hand-drew maps showing current weather systems and then we looked at the satellite data to paint a picture of what would happen in the coming hours and days. NOAA’s weather satellites were good back then, but compared to what … Read more

The GOES-U satellite launch this month will deliver a solar activity monitor to space

When it comes to tools, the more they are used, the less reliable they can become. And sure enough, while the Wide-angle and spectrometric coronagraph experiment (LASCO) instrument at NASA and the European Space Agency‘S SOHO (Solar and Heliosphere Observatory) spacecraft have done an excellent job of providing us with images during the recent powerful … Read more

Why do astronomers look for signs of life on other planets based on what life is like on Earth?

Curious Kids is a series for children of all ages. If you have a question that you would like an expert to answer, please send it to Why do astronomers look for signs of life on other planets based on what life is like on Earth? Couldn’t there be completely different types of life … Read more

The rush to return humans to the moon and build lunar bases could threaten astronomy’s prospects

The 2020s have seen many moon landing attempts, although several have crashed or fallen over. With all the excitement surrounding the prospect of humans returning to the moon, both commercial interests and scientists will benefit. The moon is ideal for researchers to build telescopes that they can’t place on Earth, because it doesn’t have as … Read more