How a giant sunspot unleashed solar storms that created global auroras that blinded us all

2024 was a good year for spectacular space shows, some of which were visible from our own backyard. First, it was the total solar eclipse early April. Then, late last week, the sun became the “star” attraction again: a huge sunspot caused a series of solar storms strengthened the auroramaking the ethereal view visible from … Read more

A widespread solar storm affected spacecraft near the Sun, Earth and even Mars

A bright mass erupts from a red circle. Space weather may seem like a story from a galaxy far, far away, but when solar storms hit us on Earth, we are directly affected. These storms are the cause of the northern Lights, for example. They can even lead to temporary disruptions in our communications systems … Read more

A major solar storm could take out the power grid and the internet – an electrical engineer explains how

On September 1 and 2, 1859, telegraph systems around the world failed catastrophically. The operators of the telegraphs reported receiving electric shocks, having telegraph paper catch fire, and being able to operate equipment with the batteries disconnected. In the evening the northern lights, better known as the Northern Lights, could be seen as far south … Read more

A major solar storm could take out the power grid and the internet – an electrical engineer explains how

On September 1 and 2, 1859, telegraph systems around the world failed catastrophically. The operators of the telegraphs reported receiving electric shocks, having telegraph paper catch fire, and being able to operate equipment with the batteries disconnected. In the evening the northern lights, better known as the Northern Lights, could be seen as far south … Read more

Space weather is chaotic and difficult to predict. This new model could change that

Scientists are building a digital model of space around Earth that goes beyond the state of the art to improve the prediction of solar storms and their effects on infrastructure. Nearly seventy years after the beginning of the Space Age, scientists’ insights are… space again is still very rude. Unlike Earth’s weather, which is now … Read more