Inside the King’s Garden Party celebrating British art

“You have to try the sandwiches,” my colleague Lisa Markwell, the editor of The TelegraafmagazineI advised when I casually mentioned that I had been invited to a garden party at Buckingham Palace to celebrate Britain’s creative industries. “I don’t eat UPFs,” I heard myself say (not my fault – blame Prof. Tim Spector). “Is there … Read more

How to Defeat Your Genetic Programming

Spector: ‘You can’t change your parents, but we do have greater food options than they do’ – Andrew Crowley Many of us gain a few pounds after a party weekend or vacation. Ten years ago I would have blamed my parents for giving me the wrong genes. I’ve completely changed my mind now. I know … Read more

What is Zoe? We try the nutritional testing kit that checks blood sugar levels and microbiome health, and the accompanying app

Zoe has around 130,000 subscribers and has 597,000 followers on the social media platform Instagram. The CGM is similar to that diabetics use to monitor their blood sugar levels. You wear it for two weeks to get a good cross-section of results, which the Zoe app then uses to recommend certain foods that will give … Read more