The Biggest Warning Signs You Have “High-Functioning” OCD

High-functioning OCD can manifest as perfectionism or excessive worry about mistakes.

High-functioning OCD can manifest as perfectionism or excessive worry about mistakes.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a complex condition. It is a multifaceted condition that can arise as a result of life events (interpersonal trauma, neglect, emotional abuse, etc.), abnormalities in brain structure, or even genetics.

Nicole Erkfitz, therapist and director of AMFM caretold HuffPost that OCD is a “often misunderstood mental disorder characterized by persistent, distressing thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive behaviors (compulsions).”

While these thoughts and behaviors are known to disrupt an individual’s daily routine, work performance, or relationships, this is not exactly the case for those who do. high-functioning OCD. Those with this form of the condition may appear driven and achievement-oriented; in other words, it may not seem like they are dealing with OCD at all.

“Despite their preoccupation with obsessive thoughts, images or fears, these individuals are able to hide their struggles from others,” says Nika Kalili, a therapist at Carrara Treatment Wellness & Spa.

Erkfitz said the term high-functioning OCD is “an informal description that some people use to describe the extent to which their condition affects their daily lives.” It is not recognized as a separate clinical diagnosis, but rather as a personal acknowledgment of their struggle with OCD.

Here are the signs of high-functioning OCD and how to best manage the condition:

High-functioning OCD can present with the same main criteria as OCD.

The defining characteristics of OCD are the same whether you are considered high functioning or not. This includes experiencing obsessions or compulsions, which are disturbing thoughts that occur often. A person will likely try to relieve the thoughts by engaging in compulsive behavior. (The most common example here is overly concerned about germs, which will cause someone to wash their hands much more often than usual.)

If these symptoms cause significant stress and are time-consuming, there is concern that OCD may be present. This behavior can also cause physical or emotional harm to the person experiencing it, and is likely to disrupt daily life.

High-functioning OCD can manifest as a need to excel.

A person with high-functioning OCD experiences intrusive, recurring, and obsessive thoughts. Their thoughts may manifest as fear of failure, and the resulting compulsions may manifest as striving to excel, overwork, and overcome in order to be seen as a trustworthy and competent person.

“These individuals face the same challenges as others with the disorder, yet they maintain their roles and responsibilities at work and at home despite their internal struggles,” Erkfitz explains.

It’s common for people with high-functioning OCD to excel in certain aspects of their lives, but continue to struggle internally with obsessive thoughts and compulsions.

Perfectionism and excessive worrying are also problems.

People with high-functioning OCD may simply seem perfectionistic or tense, but when those traits turn into obsessions or become part of intrusive thoughts, they could be a sign of something deeper.

Likewise, according to both experts, here are a few other ways high-functioning OCD can occur:

  • Have an obsession with micromanaging situations

  • Excessive worry that something bad might happen

  • Intelligent and highly functional, but suffers in silence

  • Compulsions and obsessions that do not hinder functioning and are not serious

  • Attempting to control future outcomes while obsessing over the past

  • Perfectionism

  • Tension

  • Fear of shame when mistakes are made

  • Obsession with details and schedules

  • Compulsive checking and rechecking of work

  • About analyzing

  • Taking responsibilities to prevent mistakes

Those with high-functioning OCD often downplay their symptoms.

“Individuals who are considered high-functioning may appear outwardly as great employees, well-rounded parents, or exceptionally capable friends,” Erkfitz said. “Internally, however, they may struggle with fears or failures, loss or abandonment.”

“Because their obsessions and compulsions are unobservable, unlike low-functioning OCD where the symptoms are debilitating, individuals with high-functioning OCD often ignore or downplay the symptoms, or downplay it as part of their personality where they think they can manage it themselves to manage. ”, Nika explained.

High-functioning OCD is treated the same as other forms of OCD.

“Common approaches include pharmacological interventions such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and therapeutic strategies such as exposure therapy, which gradually exposes individuals to their obsessive thoughts to reduce anxiety,” Erkfitz said.

Because OCD can also be intertwined with trauma, therapy often involves exploring the underlying needs that compulsions serve. For example, some with high-functioning OCD may struggle with a core belief of inadequacy. An example: building self-esteem and appreciation is crucial to their treatment process.

“Any time OCD begins to hinder a person’s ability to fully participate in life, it is a clear indication that professional help may be helpful,” Erkfitz said.

Whether you or someone you know is dealing with high-functioning OCD, it’s important to understand that the condition is more than just a set of quirky habits or a penchant for perfectionism. “It is a serious health condition that deserves attention and care,” Erkfitz noted.

Professional support can make a substantial difference in managing the symptoms of OCD, allowing individuals to live fuller and more satisfying lives.

“For anyone struggling with OCD or related symptoms, remember that seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness,” Erkfitz said. “Your GP can be a gateway to specialist treatment, which can vastly improve your quality of life.”


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