Will the Northern Lights Affect Your Zodiac Sign? What to know

The intensity of these magnetic storms can affect us energetically and increase our emotional sensitivity

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Keep your eyes on the sky this weekend! The Northern Lights are said to cast their luminous glow over parts of the United States, which begs the question: could this colorful spectacle affect your zodiac sign?

The Northern Lights, also known as the Northern Lights, have fascinated people for centuries with their mesmerizing display of colorful lights. This celestial phenomenon occurs when supercharged particles from the sun collide with Earth’s upper atmosphere, causing bursts of light. Thanks to our planet’s protective magnetic field, these high-energy particles — which “collide into Earth’s upper atmosphere at speeds of up to 45 million miles per hour,” according to Space.com — are redirected toward the North and South Poles.

According to NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center, space weather forecasters have been monitoring the sun since May 8 following a series of solar flares and have now issued a Severe (G4) Geomagnetic Storm Watch for the first time since 2005. Given the severity of the storm, space weather experts said an aurora “could be seen as far south as Alabama and Northern California.”

Although there is no direct correlation with the constellations, the Northern Lights are caused by solar activity (such as solar flares), with the sun being our largest source of energy on Earth. In astrology, the Sun symbolizes one’s ego, life force and physical identity, fundamentally influencing individual and collective expressions. The intensity of these magnetic storms could have an energetic impact on us, increasing our emotional sensitivity, but there is no guarantee.

Wondering what the cosmos has in store for you this weekend when the Northern Lights will be visible? Read on to find out what to expect depending on your zodiac sign.

Related: Are Solar Storms Dangerous to People on Earth? About the effects, including possible communication disruption

Aries (March 21 – April 19)



If this weekend feels like an emotional rollercoaster, don’t worry; instead, try to keep an open mind. In addition to an emotionally driven Cancer moon, which may bring unexpected mood swings, Luna will square glowing Mars in your sign on May 11.

Confrontations in your immediate environment are likely, but you do not shy away from a challenge. Fortunately, a harmonious Moon-Uranus aspect could bring an influx of unexpected opportunities the next day. Consider this a well-deserved refresher and a break from the monotonous routines.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)



You may experience a tug-of-war between your desire for stability and the urge for change this weekend, Taurus. Leave it to a tricky square between the Cancer Moon and Mars in Aries to stoke tension on the home front on May 11. Take a moment to ground your energy; there is no need to think about your restlessness. Staying adaptable is key, as Luna will meet Uranus in your sign the next day, offering surprising flashes of insight and new perspectives.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)



Brace yourself for an intense weekend, Gemini. If you’re experiencing conflict within your close relationships on May 11, a square between the Cancer Moon and Mars in Aries could be the reason hidden tensions suddenly come to the surface.

On a more positive note, Luna will form an exciting sextile with Uranus the next day, urging you to think outside the box and take the unconventional route, as this could offer you some much-needed fresh air and perspective.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)



Take a deep breath, Cancer. Emotions run high early in the weekend as Luna takes on aggressive Mars as she travels through your sign. When you experience friction with loved ones, you may feel the need to set firm boundaries and assert your needs, which may catch others off guard.

Fortunately, Luna will meet Uranus in a supportive sextile on May 12, offering solutions that can lead to an emotional breakthrough. Embrace these moments of insight as they can help you navigate the emotional turbulence.

Leo (July 12 – August 22)



Take a step back from the hustle and bustle this weekend, Leo. With the Cancer Moon square Mars in Aries on May 11, it is important to exercise patience and avoid impulsive decision-making, as tensions can run unexpectedly high.

The good news is that the next day you’ll have a chance to reflect and recalibrate, thanks to Luna’s sextile with Uranus, giving you the chance to harmonize your personal desires with the needs of those around you.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)



This weekend you may feel like you’re finding a balance between your peace of mind and the desire to stand up for yourself. On May 11, the Cancer moon will square Mars in Aries, heightening feelings while causing conflict. While urging you to respect your personal boundaries, the tension may lead to necessary changes. This is especially true the next day when Luna meets Uranus in harmonious sextile, adding a silver lining to the situation. It’s not a problem if there is a solution.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)



The underlying tensions in your relationships are bound to increase this weekend, Libra. Transiting the sentimental sign of Cancer, Luna will square Mars in Aries on May 11, which will likely challenge you to tackle a personal conflict head-on. Although this has never been your strong point, the discomfort can be more fruitful than you think.

The following day, the Cancer Moon will meet Uranus, which will inspire innovative solutions that can lead to greater understanding within your personal relationships.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)



The expectations surrounding your routine may test your desire for adventure this weekend, Scorpio. Occupying your sixth house of responsibility, Mars in Aries will challenge the moon, creating tension between your belief systems and your practical commitments.

Fortunately, a productive Moon-Uranus sextile on May 12 brings supportive solutions that allow you to integrate your desires with the demands of your daily routine.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)



If you’re torn between the depth of your emotions and the desire for something more fun and light-hearted this weekend, you can thank the cosmos. On May 11, a square between the Cancer Moon and Mars in Aries highlights this internal conflict, which can challenge you to distinguish between what you consider serious and something casual.

Fortunately, an uplifting sextile between Luna and Uranus the next day gives you the opportunity to flip the script and change an outdated narrative.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)



This weekend, the tensions between your family life and previous commitments may pull you in different directions, Capricorn. On May 11, the Cancer Moon squares Mars in Aries, so you may find yourself struggling between family dynamics and relationship needs, which could heighten emotions in your immediate environment.

On a more positive note, Luna will form a supportive sextile to Uranus the following day, introducing new ways to cultivate stability and explore your heart’s desires.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)



Perspective is everything this weekend, Aquarius. On May 11, there are likely to be frictions and misunderstandings within your inner circles, thanks to a challenging square between the Cancer Moon and Mars in Aries.

However, tensions may begin to fade the next day as Luna forms a liberating sextile to your modern ruler, Uranus, and activates your fourth house of home and family. Don’t hesitate to rely on your loved ones for support and perspective. You are not alone.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)



Stay away from mixing business with pleasure, Pisces. On May 11, the Cancer moon squares Mars in Aries, creating friction between emotional and financial matters. This could explain the tension regarding your personal desires and the need to meet your financial responsibilities this weekend.

Fortunately, Luna’s sextile to Uranus could serve as a much-needed pick-me-up the next day, as you’ll be encouraged to consider creative solutions and engage in insightful conversations.

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