Watch the Moon meet Saturn, look for shooting stars and find the Northern Crown this week

When you buy through links in our articles, Future and its syndication partners may earn a commission. Take a moment to sit back, relax, and enjoy the wonder of the night sky with your naked eye. | Credit: Oscar Gutierrez Zozulia via Getty Images From a close encounter between Saturn and the moon to the … Read more

Ed Stone, JPL director and top scientist on Voyager mission, dies at age 88

Ed Stone, the scientist who spent 50 years leading NASA’s groundbreaking Voyager mission to the outer planets and led the Jet Propulsion Laboratory when it landed its first rover on Mars, died Tuesday. He was 88. A physicist who started on the ground floor of space exploration, Stone played a leading role in NASA missions … Read more

Saturn’s ‘Death Star’ moon Mimas may have an ocean that scientists never believed could exist

Astronomers have discovered that a small moon of Saturn, called Mimas, may harbor a hidden liquid ocean beneath its thick icy shell and thus have the conditions for habitability. This shocking finding radically changes the definition of what an ocean moon can be, and could ultimately redefine our search for extraterrestrial life on moons in … Read more