10 Tips for Planning Your 2026 Solar Eclipse Trip

Are You Ready for the Next Total Solar Eclipse? Once the April 2024 eclipse passed in North America, eclipse chasers turned their attention to planning for the next one, which will take place on August 12, 2026. It will be the first total solar eclipse visible from Europe since 2015 and the first in mainland … Read more

Scientists find strange connection between solar mystery and feeding black holes

New research has found that the secrets of the sun’s magnetic field, which has remained shrouded in mystery for four centuries, could lie close to the surface. The Sun’s magnetic field is responsible for generating dark spots called sunspots, erupting solar flares, and even explosive ejections of matter called coronal mass ejections (CMEs). But since … Read more

Viral image claims to show James Webb Space Telescope photo of Eclipse. Here’s what we found

Dr. Sebastian Voltmer | www.voltmer.photo Claim: A real photo taken by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) shows the April 8, 2024 solar eclipse. Judgement: Rating: Wrong subtitles Context: The real photo [pictured above] was not created by JWST nor will it be in 2024. The image that went viral is a digital drawing that … Read more

In Indiana, the best place to see the 2024 solar eclipse is wherever you are

Indianapolis, IN – For the past few weeks, Kaleb Boone, 9, has been mapping the sky. He has mapped, he has measured, he has made plans and he has carefully watched the weather. The reason why is simple. It’s what every astronomer should do in anticipation of a major cosmic event. When the comet 12P/Pons-Brooks … Read more

Ancient superstitions about eclipses paved the way for this scientific truth

Editor’s Note: Jason Colavito (@JasonColavito) is a writer and cultural critic based in upstate New York. His writings have appeared in Esquire, The New Republic, Slate and elsewhere. He is the author of several books, including “Jimmy: The Secret Life of James Dean,” which will be published this fall. The opinions expressed in this commentary … Read more

What you need to do to watch safely

A child watches from San Antonio last year with special glasses as the moon moves in front of the sun during a solar eclipse. (Eric Gay/Associated Press) Grab your eclipse glasses — weather permitting, Los Angeles County and the rest of California will catch a glimpse of the rare total solar eclipse on Monday. Unfortunately … Read more

Expert tips, precautions for troublemakers, eclipse glasses and more

This article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Consult a qualified medical professional before undertaking any physical activity or making any changes to your diet, medication, or lifestyle. What should parents know about the solar eclipse? (Image via Getty) A total solar eclipse is … Read more

The new moon phase on April 8 will cause the 2024 total solar eclipse

The new moon will occur on April 8 at 2:21 PM EDT (1821 GMT) and will herald a “Great American Eclipse” – the first total solar eclipse to hit the lower 48 states since August 2017. This time the eclipse track runs from southwest to northeast, starting in the Pacific Ocean, landing in Mexico and … Read more

How photos of the April 8 solar eclipse will help us understand the sun’s atmosphere

There is a gap in our observations of the Sun: part of the atmosphere is effectively invisible to our telescopes. However, images taken from Earth during a solar eclipse fill that gap and provide unprecedented insight into our star’s hidden layer. But capturing these images requires expertise, special equipment and a lot of patience. . … Read more