The largest 3D map of our universe could indicate that dark energy is evolving over time

It has been more than twenty years since dark energy was discovered. Scientists have therefore had more than twenty years to decipher the secrets of this invisible substance that seems to be pulling the universe apart. Yet they still know virtually nothing about it. Dark energy may not even be a substance. It could be … Read more

James Webb Space Telescope finds dwarf galaxies with enough power to reshape the entire early universe

Astronomers have used the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) and predicted an effect by Albert Einstein more than 100 years ago to discover that small galaxies packed a huge punch in the early cosmos, forming the entire universe when it was less than 1 billion years old. The international team found that the galaxies, which … Read more

Major X-ray studies of the sky could alleviate the crisis surrounding the ‘lumpiness’ of the universe

A new analysis of how galaxy clusters have evolved over the 13.8 billion year history of the cosmos could help resolve a long-standing tension around the “lumpiness” of our universe’s matter content. In the future, it could also help scientists solve a host of other cosmic mysteries. The first data from the eROSITA all-sky survey … Read more

How the successor to the Large Hadron Collider will hunt for the dark universe

Plans for the successor to the most powerful particle accelerator in the world, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), are in full swing. The new atom smasher, called the Future Circular Collider (FCC), will dwarf the LHC in size and power. It will fuse particles with so much energy that scientists say it could be able … Read more

The universe could be younger than we think, as the movement of galaxies shows

The universe could be younger than we think, based on the movements of satellite galaxies that reveal how recently they fell into a group of galaxies. According to measurements of the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB) by the European Space Agency‘s Planck mission, the universe is about 13.8 billion years old. This calculation is based … Read more

Ten-year Dark Energy Survey provides new insights into the expansion of the universe

A survey of more than 1,500 supernovae conducted by the Dark Energy Camera has placed strong constraints on the accelerating expansion of the universe. The results suggest that the mysterious force driving this cosmic acceleration, dark energy, can change over time and vary in density, challenging the standard model of cosmology. Related: Dark energy remains … Read more

Can a ‘supervoid’ resolve a brutal debate over the expansion rate of the universe?

A large discrepancy between different measurements of the expansion rate of our universe could be explained if our galaxy, the Milky Way, is located in a void of two billion light years. That is the conclusion of scientists who claim that a modified theory exists gravity can replace the standard model of cosmology. However, this … Read more

Are we living in a gigantic void? It could solve the puzzle of the expansion of the universe

This article was originally published on The conversation. The publication contributed the article to Expert voices: opinion pieces and insights. Indranil Banik is a postdoctoral researcher in astrophysics at the University of St Andrews. One of the greatest mysteries in cosmology is the rate at which the universe is expanding. This can be predicted … Read more