Why Zoe Daemer Formulated a Menopause Supplement

Perimenopause and menopause are important but challenging physiological phases that women face. However, with the right knowledge and support, we can move through these changes with resilience.

Zoe Daemar, co-founder of women’s menopause supplement brand Mister Jones, says the lack of awareness around menopause is baffling.

“Like puberty, it is a natural stage of life, but puberty is not shrouded in the same veil of ‘taboo’, perhaps because the subject is a bit uncomfortable or because it means you are entering the next phase of your life (which some may not are). all ready to achieve)”.

Daemar believes that a holistic approach to nutrition and lifestyle is fundamental during perimenopause and menopause.

The main concerns during these phases are bone health; postmenopausal individuals are at increased risk for osteoporosis. Symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats can also occur, and it is crucial that you are aware of possible triggers such as certain foods and drinks.

Mister Jones co-founder Zoe Daemar with her two daughters.

Daemar says Mister Jones’ targeted menopause supplement Hormone Helper combines vitamins, minerals and traditional herbal remedies to support your body and mind during perimenopause and menopause.

Read more about these hormonal changes and Daemar’s advice for achieving these milestones.

Find out more about Hormone Helper bee misterjoneshealth.com. Use the code “Now To Love 25” for an exclusive 25% sitewide discount at checkout.

What is perimenopause?

Perimenopause is the body’s gradual transition to menopause. Although it usually starts around age 40, it varies from person to person. You may even start making this change in your late 30s. Because your hormones fluctuate, whether over a few months or a few years, perimenopause eventually leads to menopause.

What is menopause?

Menopause marks the end of an individual’s menstrual cycle and ability to conceive naturally. This usually occurs around the age of 40 or 50 and with symptoms that last for several years. You are considered to have officially entered menopause after 12 consecutive months since your last period.

Mister Jones’s Hormone Helper brings together vitamins, minerals and traditional herbal remedies to support your body and mind during perimenopause and menopause.

How Do Perimenopause and Menopause Hormone Helper Relieve Common Symptoms?

The Hormone Helper formula contains herbs to relieve night sweats, hot flashes, low libido and excessive sweating.

It also contains vitamin K2, D and calcium to help with declining bone health and density.

Hormone Helper also contains ashwagandha, schisandra and activated vitamin B6 to support symptoms such as stress, irritability, nervous tension, mild anxiety and emotional imbalances.

How was Hormone Helper menopause supplement formulated?

Daemer says that the conception of Hormone Helper started with the first two products from Mister Jones, The Perfect Pair.

“We expected our customers to say they felt more energetic, less stressed and better rested. We didn’t expect to hear that The Perfect Pair had seemingly provided relief from the uncomfortable symptoms of menopause for some,” says Daemer.

Daemer is impressed by the feedback from customers who use Hormone Helper. They say they have noticed changes in their mood, they sleep better and their hot flashes have drastically reduced.

A selection of Mister Jones vitamins, beauty powders and herbal teas.

Daemer’s advice for relieving the symptoms of perimenopause and menopause

Daemer takes a holistic approach to supporting the body through perimenopause and menopause and offers the following advice to anyone going through these important changes:

  • Eating a Nutritious Diet: Focus on whole foods rich in calcium, fiber and phytoestrogens to help with hormone balance and bone protection.
  • Prioritizing regular exercise: This helps with weight management, bone strengthening, mood improvement and sleep improvement.
  • Choosing quality supplements: Consider quality supplements like Hormone Helper to provide specific nutrients and herbal support that may be missing from your diet.
  • Deal with stress: Studies show that practicing mindfulness can reduce menopausal symptoms. Try meditation, deep breathing or yoga.
  • Ensuring enough sleep: Aim for seven to nine hours per night to aid in recovery and hormonal balance.
  • Limiting Triggers: Reduce consumption of foods or drinks that may be triggers, such as caffeine and alcohol.
  • Participating in hormonal therapies: Consult a healthcare professional to discuss possible hormone replacement therapies or menopause treatments.

As well as tackling the symptoms of perimenopause and menopause with Hormone Helper, Mister Jones’ range of supplements can also help.

Products include The Perfect Pair for all-day energy and a better night’s sleep, the Daily Beauty range of powders for balance and energy, and a blend of naturopath-blended herbal teas to comfort the body.

Daemer explains that the Daily Beauty powders are gut health supplements that are well placed to support people going through menopause, as they help restore the often dysregulated gut microbiome caused by the sudden change in hormones.

Notably, Daemer’s struggles with stress, fatigue and exhaustion led her to co-found Mister Jones. She now strives to help women feel their best.

If you need help determining where to start, we encourage you to contact Mr. Jones to determine what is best for you.

Find out more about Hormone Helper and the story of Mister Jones op misterjoneshealth.com. Use the code “Now To Love 25” for an exclusive 25% sitewide discount at checkout.

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