10 Best Anti-Aging Foods, According to Dietitians

Aging is a natural process and something we should not fear, despite what marketing companies have always told us. But as we get older, it’s understandable that we want to find healthy ways to look and feel our best every year so that we can have the energy and confidence to enjoy our daily lives. Things like exercising, drinking plenty of water, and eating a nutritious, balanced diet are all ways we can help ourselves look and feel younger as we age.

When it comes to nutrition, food can affect the way you feel inside and how you look on the outside. For example, research shows that diet can play an important role in heart and brain health, and in your risk of age-related diseases as you age. Research also shows that your diet not only has the power to repair skin damage, but it can also cause damage to the skin as you age. So what are some of the specific foods that can affect the way you age?

Read on to learn about 10 foods you can add to your diet to help you look and feel your best as you age. And for more tips on healthy eating, be sure to check out The 10 Best Eating Habits to Fight Inflammation, Dietitians Say.


raspberries blueberries blackberries strawberries

An important key to healthy aging is eating foods rich in antioxidants. This is because your body goes through a process called oxidation, which produces molecules known as “free radicals” that can cause damage to your cells and contribute to a greater risk of chronic disease. Antioxidants can directly help fight these damage-causing free radicals in your body.

When it comes to foods rich in antioxidants, berries are at the top. “Berries are rich in antioxidants, such as anthocyanins and vitamin C, which fight oxidative stress and inflammation in the body,” says Mary Sabat MS, RDN, LD.

Damage from oxidative stress caused by free radicals can also affect the health of your skin. Sabat says that eating foods rich in antioxidants, such as berries, “helps protect your skin from premature aging and improves its overall health.”

Lisa Young, PhD, RDN adds, “Blueberries in particular are packed with antioxidants anthocyaninthat helps fight oxidative stress and inflammation, and these compounds may contribute to improved skin elasticity, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and promoting a youthful complexion.”

Another amazing benefit of eating berries as you age is that they “support cognitive function and may reduce the risk of age-related cognitive decline,” says Sabat. This is evident from a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that eating more strawberries and blueberries was associated with a slower rate of cognitive decline in participants over the age of 70.

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Fat fish

raw salmonraw salmon

There is more than one reason to eat oily fish as you get older. For starters, oily fish is rich in healthy fats such as omega-3 fatty acids. According to Sabat, “Omega-3 fatty acids can help maintain heart and brain health and reduce the risk of age-related diseases.”

In addition to helping your heart and brain feel better as you age, omega-3-rich foods like oily fish can also help you maintain more youthful skin.

“For example, salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids such as EPA and DHA, and these essential fats support skin health by maintaining cell membranes and reducing inflammation,” says Young. And Sabat adds, “These healthy fats can also promote skin elasticity and hydration, leaving you with a youthful and glowing complexion.”

Nuts and seeds

mixed nutsmixed nuts

You’ve learned about antioxidants in berries and healthy fats in certain fish, but snacking on nuts and seeds can give you the best of both worlds by providing healthy fats. And antioxidants.

“The antioxidants in nuts and seeds fight free radicals, prevent skin aging and reduce the risk of chronic diseases related to aging,” says Sabat.

Young specifically notes that “Almonds are a good source of vitamin E, an antioxidant that protects the skin from oxidative damage, and may help maintain skin elasticity and hydration, potentially reducing the signs of aging.” She adds, “Including nuts like almonds in your diet can support a healthy, youthful glow.”

Nuts, especially walnuts, also contain omega-3 fatty acids, and seeds such as flaxseed are some of the richest sources of plant-based omega-3 fatty acids. Consuming these healthy fats can contribute to a slower aging process, both internally and externally.

RELATED: 10 Best Foods for Brain Health After 50

Leafy vegetables

leafy vegetablesleafy vegetables

Leafy greens like spinach, kale and Swiss chard are “nutritional powerhouses,” according to Sabat, providing “vitamins A, C and K, and minerals like iron and calcium.”

For healthier aging: “These nutrients can promote skin health, aid in collagen production and protect against skin damage caused by UV rays,” adds Sabat.

In addition to skin health, vitamin K has also been linked to reducing the risk of age-related diseases, and vitamin C has been found to help slow age-related cognitive decline.

RELATED: 7 Vegetables That Reduce Inflammation and Slow Aging


halved avocados with pitshalved avocados with pits

We mentioned earlier that vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant, is linked to better skin health and can be found in nuts like almonds, but this vitamin can also be found in your bowl of guacamole.

Avocados are rich in vitamin E, which can help “protect skin from UV damage and maintain its youthful appearance,” says Sabat.

Not only are they rich in vitamin E, but avocados are also rich in healthy fats, which can “hydrate and nourish” the skin, Sabat adds.

Additionally, Sabat says, avocados can help support a healthy heart as you age “by lowering bad cholesterol levels.”

Sweet potatoes

roasted sweet potatoesroasted sweet potatoes

Fruits and vegetables contain plant substances that give them their bright color. Sweet potatoes, for example, contain a compound called beta-carotene, which is responsible for their vibrant orange hue. Besides giving this vegetable its color, this compound, among other plant compounds, can also provide a host of health benefits.

According to Sabat, “beta-carotene is a precursor to vitamin A and has been linked to promoting skin health and reducing the appearance of wrinkles. In addition, research has also shown that beta-carotene may help prevent several diseases.” chronic diseases.

Although found in smaller amounts, sweet potatoes also contain vitamins C and E, which we now know can help fight free radicals and support health.



Speaking of those wonderfully powerful plant compounds: tomatoes are rich in a certain substance called lycopene, which gives them their beautiful red color. Lycopene has antioxidant properties and is known to protect skin from sun damage and reduce the signs of aging, says Sabat, which means tomatoes can play a role in helping you look and feel younger as you age.

However, the benefits of Lycopene extend beyond just skin health. A report published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences says that a diet rich in lycopene can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and improve the health of your blood vessels. That’s why Mary says, “Consuming tomatoes can support heart health and contribute to a youthful and vibrant life.”

RELATED: 14 ​​Best Foods for Your Skin, According to Dietitians

Dark chocolate

dark chocolate pieces in bowldark chocolate pieces in bowl

Probably the most exciting food on our list, dark chocolate is rich in naturally occurring compounds called flavonoids, which can help with aging in countless ways.

“Flavonoids may improve blood flow and protect the skin from UV damage,” says Sabat, and research also shows that dietary flavonoids may help with blood pressure, blood vessel health and vascular problems such as cardiovascular disease and vascular dementia.

As you can see, dark chocolate can help promote healthy aging and youthfulness “both inside and out,” says Sabat. Be sure to eat in moderation, as many varieties are high in added sugars, which can lead to increased inflammation and increase your risk for certain diseases if consumed regularly in large quantities.


bowl of Greek yogurt with berriesbowl of Greek yogurt with berries

Research continues to show that healthy intestines contribute to healthy aging and healthier skin. Fortunately, there are plenty of delicious foods you can add to your diet that can help you achieve a more diverse, thriving gut microbiome.

One of these foods is yogurt, which Sabat says is “a probiotic-rich food that supports gut health and aids in nutrient absorption.”

Not only that, but yogurt “provides essential protein for maintaining muscle and skin health, while also contributing to strong bones through its calcium and vitamin D content,” says Sabat. However, make sure you buy yogurt fortified with vitamin D to get that specific vitamin.

RELATED: The 15 Healthiest Yogurts on Grocery Store Shelves

Green tea

green teagreen tea

Even though it’s a beverage and not a food, we had to include green tea on our list because of its powerful anti-aging properties.

“Green tea contains polyphenols – specifically epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) – with powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties,” says Sabat. “These compounds help improve skin elasticity and protect against the harmful effects of UV rays, reducing the signs of skin aging.”

Not only can green tea help with a more youthful appearance, but research shows that its main polyphenol, EGCG, is linked to slower aging and even extending your lifespan.

To look and feel younger this year, add a cup of green tea to your daily routine. Remember, it still contains caffeine, so people with caffeine sensitivities should stick to a morning cup.

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