6 Proven Ways Eating Breakfast Can Help You Lose Weight

Even though the term “breakfast is the most important meal of the day” has been debunked as a marketing strategy, the truth is that breakfast is still very important. In fact, there are countless ways you can get started over a plate of eggs and toast to achieve your health goals, including your weight loss goals. Experts and studies have proven how eating breakfast can help you lose weight in the long run, turning the famous slogan from fiction into reality.

Some of the ways breakfast can help you achieve your weight loss goals include helping you get enough protein, fiber, and healthy fats, and helping you stay energized. But the most important thing to note about these benefits is that the type of breakfast you eat matters. Eating a balanced, nutritious breakfast will benefit you more than one that is full of added sugar and lacking in nutrients.

What if you don’t feel like having breakfast?

“If you’re not a breakfast person, though, don’t worry,” says Lisa Young, PhD, RDN, and author of Finally full, finally slim. “Children should definitely eat breakfast when they wake up before going to school (even virtual school!). However, adults do not need to eat breakfast first thing in the morning if they are not hungry. It is better to wait before eating rather than rushing some food in. to create.”

Nevertheless, eating breakfast in general can lead to weight loss, which means it’s still good to have something small in the morning to hold you over until lunch.

“I would recommend eating something within a few hours of waking up, even a snack or mini breakfast, to keep blood sugar levels stable,” says Young. “For example, a yogurt and berries or an apple with two teaspoons of peanut butter would be great options. Including protein in the morning is best for weight loss because it’s super filling.”

So if you have the time and energy to make yourself a healthy breakfast, here are some of the amazing benefits of this morning meal for weight loss. Read on and try these 20 breakfast recipes for healthy weight loss for inspiration.

6 weight loss benefits of eating breakfast

Starting your day with a healthy, nutrient-dense breakfast can help you achieve your weight loss goals in the following ways.

Eating breakfast can give you energy.

having breakfast

One of the best benefits you can get from eating breakfast – aside from consuming some of your favorite foods – is that this morning meal can help you maintain your energy levels throughout the day. According to the Cleveland Clinic, breakfast provides your body with the energy it needs to perform optimally.

“Breakfast helps you stay focused and alert, which improves overall physical and mental performance, allowing you to be more productive,” says Young.

While not a direct link to weight loss, having more energy throughout the day can help you lose weight by making you feel more alert and motivated to achieve your exercise goals or prepare a healthy meal for yourself. When we feel sluggish, exhausted, or lethargic, we may be more inclined to skip a workout or reach for junk food.

Young says to make sure it’s a nutritious breakfast you start your day with, one that contains “a balance of carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats,” she says.

It is important to have this balance of nutrients because breakfasts that consist only of refined sugars, such as donuts, muffins, etc., will not give you energy and can even have the opposite effect on your energy levels. According to the news ObesityDiets high in refined sugar intake can lead to increased fatigue or feelings of sluggishness.

RELATED: The #1 Best Breakfast for Weight Loss, According to Dietitians

It can make you feel full.

woman eating oatmeal for breakfastwoman eating oatmeal for breakfast

It may seem obvious, but consuming calories first thing in the morning can help fill and control your appetite for the rest of the morning and set you up well for the rest of the day.

“Breakfast prevents the feeling of extreme hunger throughout the day, something that can often lead to unhealthy food choices,” says Young. “Eating breakfast also helps you feel full longer and helps you control portion sizes for the rest of your meals,” she adds, which can directly help with your weight-loss goals as you consume fewer empty calories.

Young also adds that “eating breakfast can help you lose weight because you create a sense of structure and don’t wait until you’re hungry to eat, which leads to overeating,” says Young .

A study published in Current developments in nutrition found that compared to those who skipped breakfast, participants who ate breakfast had greater feelings of satiety and a better appetite.

The key to feeling full after breakfast is to include all the important elements you need for a healthy meal: protein, healthy fats and fiber-rich carbohydrates. Including foods from each of these groups in your meals will keep you feeling full for hours.

Eating breakfast can prevent nighttime cravings.

healthy breakfasthealthy breakfast

“As a registered dietitian, I’ve listened to hundreds of people tell me what they eat, and without a doubt, people who skip breakfast tend to crave carbs in the evening,” says Amy Goodson, MS, RD, CSSD, LD, author of The sports nutrition script.

“A breakfast high in fiber carbohydrates and protein will keep your blood sugar levels at a steady rate throughout the day and can help you avoid cravings later in the day. Although many people think skipping breakfast will save them calories, they eat those calories often end up in the mess later during the day,” she adds.

RELATED: 9 Best Low-Calorie Breakfasts for Weight Loss

You can get more fiber.

Sweet potato toastSweet potato toast

Eating breakfast gives you the opportunity to add more fiber to your day, a nutrient that is crucial for weight loss.

A study published in The magazine for nutrition says fiber is linked to greater weight loss and dieting, and the Mayo Clinic states that fiber-rich foods are more filling than many other types of foods, meaning you can feel full on fewer calories.

According to the American Heart Association, the average person should consume at least 25 to 30 grams of fiber per day, but the average American only consumes about 10 to 15 grams.

Fortunately, most healthy breakfast foods contain a surprising amount of fiber! Oatmeal, whole wheat bread, fruit and even some breakfast cereals are all great sources of fiber in the morning. Plus, adding a third meal to your day instead of just lunch and dinner gives you a better chance of meeting your fiber needs.

“Many Americans don’t meet the requirements for fruits and vegetables, and they are a great source of fiber,” says Jinan Banna, PhD, RD. “Fiber is essential to help you stay full and avoid overeating as you try to lose weight. Fiber contributes little to the calories in the diet. Try adding fresh fruit to cereal at breakfast to add fiber. “

You get even more proteins.

healthy breakfasthealthy breakfast

In addition to getting that boost of fiber, your breakfast can also be an opportunity to get enough protein for the day.

This is evident from a study published by the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and DieteticsDiets with a higher protein content have shown a large effect on satiety compared to participants who followed a diet with a lower protein content. Not only that, but a high-protein diet has been linked to increased weight loss due to its positive effect on metabolism and satiety, and its ability to reduce hunger hormones and overall food intake.

When it comes to how much protein you should consume, Goodson recommends getting at least 20 to 30 grams of protein in your breakfast, along with fiber-rich carbohydrates and a healthy source of fat.

Shannon Henry, RD with EZCare Clinic, recommends eggs or yogurt for a nutritious protein-rich breakfast. She points out how both foods can increase fullness and reduce food intake later in the day, which can improve your overall weight loss.

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You can also get a boost of healthy fats.

avocado toast with sunny side up eggavocado toast with sunny side up egg

Breakfast foods like avocado, nuts, eggs and smoked salmon contain healthy monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats, which have been linked to appetite control and satiety, something that can directly aid your weight loss goals.

This is evident from a report published in the magazine FoodsMonounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats can both help regulate important hunger hormones, resulting in better appetite control.

An earlier version of this story was published on May 18, 2021. It has been updated with additional copy revisions and proofreading, additional research and updated contextual links.

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