10 times the night sky surprised us in 2023

The night sky of 2023 yielded many astonishing sights, from bright, fiery comets to extraordinary aurorae, unexpected meteor impacts on the moon, newly discovered supernovae – and even an astronaut’s lost tool bag floating through space. Here are some of Space.com’s most memorable skywatching attractions from this year. New year, new comet A long exposure … Read more

A major solar storm could take out the power grid and the internet – an electrical engineer explains how

On September 1 and 2, 1859, telegraph systems around the world failed catastrophically. The operators of the telegraphs reported receiving electric shocks, having telegraph paper catch fire, and being able to operate equipment with the batteries disconnected. In the evening the northern lights, better known as the Northern Lights, could be seen as far south … Read more

A lucrative tax credit for making clean fuel won’t be so easy to come by

WASHINGTON — The Biden administration on Friday released its long-awaited plan to offer lucrative tax breaks to companies that make hydrogen, a clean fuel, and proposed new rules aimed at ensuring the policy does not inadvertently lead to a spike in global energy production. global warming. Hydrogen is widely seen as a promising tool to … Read more

Quantum physics proposes a new way to study biology – and the results could revolutionize our understanding of how life works

Imagine using your cell phone to monitor the activity of your own cells to treat injuries and diseases. It sounds like something from the imagination of an overly optimistic science fiction writer. But this may one day be a possibility thanks to the emerging field of quantum biology. Over the past decades, scientists have made … Read more

After a terrible year full of climate news, here are 5 reasons to be positive

There’s no shortage of grim climate news this year: unprecedented global heat has fueled deadly extreme weather events, scientists have issued dire warnings that next year could be even worse, and the world’s carbon pollution continued to rise. But amid the gloom, there are also signs of progress. Renewable energy records have been set, the … Read more

‘KSC Artist’ shares his favorite spaceflight designs of 2023

We’ve seen the 12 days of Christmas in many different directions and versions, but for those with a passion for space, let’s sing along to the ’12 Space Patches of Christmas’, designed by an artist for the ‘stars’, Tim Gagnon. . Before we begin, if you haven’t heard of the “KSC Artist,” we’d like to … Read more

A warped supernova discovered by the James Webb Space Telescope could settle a long-standing debate

Two supernovasS in a galaxy, and a galaxy so far away that we see it as it was 10 billion years ago, could be crucial in helping to reveal the expansion rate of the universe. This is a measurement that has caused some tension within the scientific community. The galaxy and the two supernovae were … Read more

6 historical mysteries that scientists have finally solved in 2023 – and one they haven’t been able to solve

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news about fascinating discoveries, scientific developments and more. Science is revolutionizing our understanding of the past. Paleogenetics unravels amazing secrets from DNA hidden in bones and dirt. Artificial intelligence decodes ancient texts written in forgotten scripts. Chemical analysis of molecular residues left behind … Read more

Octopus DNA appears to confirm scientists’ theory about a long-standing geological mystery

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news about fascinating discoveries, scientific developments and more. A study of octopus DNA may have solved a lasting mystery about when the rapidly melting West Antarctica ice sheet last collapsed, unlocking valuable information about how much future sea levels might rise in a … Read more

Extreme heat poses a new threat to trees and plants in the Pacific Northwest

PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — From June 25 to July 2, 2021, the Pacific Northwest experienced a record-breaking heat wave that sent the normally temperate region into Death Valley-like extremes, taking a heavy toll on trees and people alike. Seattle and Portland, Oregon, recorded their highest temperatures ever, at 108 degrees Fahrenheit (42.2 degrees Celsius) and … Read more